Monday, December 26, 2011

Jerk Chicken Salad for Steve Martin : Funny Side Up

In this episode of Funny Side Up, Lisa makes jerk chicken salad for Steve Martin. Remember to vote for who she'll cook for next at Side Up, hosted by Lisa Ludwinski, is part comedy and humor, part how-to recipe cooking show. Using celebrities and other notable figures from history as inspiration, Lisa creates a new dish each week tailored for that week's guest. Come back every week for more recipes, good food, cooking tips, and some fun comedy with Lisa on Funny Side Up. Lisa makes herself food. Lisa makes yourself laugh. Channel Website: Twitter Facebook:

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Jerk Chicken

Finally, the dinner I made for my mother's birthday! It was fresh, healthy and yummy, a great summertime meal. Please check out my blog for more pics and the recipe:

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Top 5 Local Foods To Eat In Jamaica

!±8± Top 5 Local Foods To Eat In Jamaica

One of the great reasons people love to visit the Caribbean, specifically Jamaica is because of the delicious Jamaican food. From Jamaican jerk chicken to curried goat and the finest drinks you can imagine, you will be sure to find something you love. Here are the top 5 local foods to eat in Jamaica:

1. Jamaican beef patty/cocoa bread

You may have tried an international version of the Jamaican beef patty, but nothing beats the original. The beef patty is has flaky crust filled with a variety of different fillings. If you're familiar with the turnovers, it looks like one but the taste is a lot more flavorful. Common fillings would be beef, chicken, shrimp, lobster and even fish. This can be part of a staple Jamaican meal and is often pared with tasty cocoa bread.

2. Ackee and Saltfish

Having a taste of Jamaica's national dish is a must, and Ackee and Saltfish is very popular. The seed pod of the Ackee fruit is mixed with saltfish or sometimes codfish as well as boiled bananas, dumplings or roast breadfruit. It almost looks like scrambled eggs when cooked, and the unique taste will make you want more.

3. Jerk chicken

Jerk chicken is pretty popular in the US, but wait until you get to try the authentic Jamaican Jerk Chicken! The name is actually derived from the Jamaican jerk spice, a flavorful mixture that is used to marinate the chicken. Some Jamaican restaurants also offer jerk beef, shrimp and tofu, but the Jamaican jerk chicken still continues to be the most popular choice. The spice is made up of a combination of cinnamon, cloves, ginger, thyme, garlic, pepper and nutmeg, making the Jamaican jerk chicken a great dish with a unique flavor of its own.

4. Curry chicken or goat

The use of the curry spice is popular in countries in South Asia with India being the number one producer of curry. Jamaican food is also spiced up with this savory spice; curried goat is a traditional dish that is usually eaten during important family events or functions. Served with rice and peas as a more contemporary alternative, curried goat or chicken can also include coconut or raisins for a sweet and tangy option. You will see many Jamaican families raising goats, for the purpose of saving a goat for special occasions like holiday or even funeral to make curry goat for guests.

5. Roast breadfruit

Breadfruit can be mixed with coconut milk as a favorite dessert and found on most Jamaican food menus. This fruit is typically combined with other ingredients such as butter or sugar, and cooked under an open fire. Other fruits also complement the taste of the roast breadfruit, making it a hit among food critics and locals.

Top 5 Local Foods To Eat In Jamaica

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jerk BBQ Sauce - Notting Hill Carnival Special, My secret sauce is out... don't tell anyone! This sauce traditionally goes with jerk chicken and rice n peas but it's so good you can put it all your BBQ`food! enjoy

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jamaican Foods

!±8± Jamaican Foods

Ackee and Codfish

The fleshly, yellow part of the seed pod from the ackee fruit is cooked with cod fish.This is Jamaica's national dish . When cooked,ackee looks like scrambled eggs. Many people of the other Caribbean islands do not eat ackee .Many Jamaicans are unique and strong in spirit because they do. There is one particular Caribbean island that the people would not eat this fruit, because it is alleged that they use it for the working of witchcraft. They fear Jamaicans because they eat the ackee.This dish is usually served with roasted breadfruit, boiled bananas or fried dumplings in Jamaica


This is a plant which is said to be a cousin of collard green and spinach. It is used as a green hot cooked vegetables and is a good accompaniment for pickled mackerel, and cod fish. This dish is usually served with boiled green bananas.It may be used in soups .Of late vegetarian blend and use it as a drink.

Escoveitch Fish.

This is a dished of freshly fish fried with a sauce of vinegar, sliced onions and hot peppers pour over the fish.

Jerk Pork or Chicken

This is a Jamaican dish that originated at Boston Beach near Port Antonio Jamaica. The meat is seasoned with peppers , other Jamaicans spices,pimento leaves and then cooked slowly over an open fire of pimento wood.In olden times is was cooked in a hole dug into the ground.

Pepper pot soup

This is a soup similar to spinach soup, Callaloo replaces the spinach. A spicy soup with lots of ground provision. When cooked in a broth of salt beef it makes it more enjoyable. It is seasoned to the taste of the chef .Real Jamaicans like it seasoned with scotch bonnet peppers.

Jamaican Pumpkin soupThis is a thick creamy soup that is made from the local pumpkin. The taste is just great. Many Jamaicans must have their pumpkin soup Friday or Saturday evenings.

Red Peas soup

This is another of Jamaica popular soup. It is made from red beans and is usually cooked in broth of pig's tail or corned beef. It is spicy and is sold plentifully on the street side


a dumpling usually cylindrical in shape with a base ingredient of cornmeal. Sugar, flour, spices milk or water, are added then fried until golden brown. Served as an accompaniment for jerk meats and fried fish.

Coconut Rundung

Is a dish made from coconut milk boiled to a custard ,with mackerel, codfish ,or vegetables added. along with seasoning.

Roasted yam

This is a dish in which special yams are roasted such as the yellow yam, white yam other wise call Negro or Lucea yam . This is served with roasted cod fish or rundung or ackee and codfish.

Peanut Porridge

This is one of the most recent food craze in Jamaica.Peanut porridge is boiled on the street side and many individuals do not feel their day complete without this meal. It is said to be a good energy food and last for hours .

Curried Goat

This is one of Jamaica's traditional dishes and is eaten at any time there is a gathering or function. A funeral,wake,dance or a wedding would all seem incomplete without this dish. It is usually served with plain white rice but more recently Jamaicans have added rice and peas as another accompaniment. Traditional its accompaniment included raisins, and shredded coconut.

Jamaican Foods

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Make Your Own Beef Jerky in the Oven

!±8± Make Your Own Beef Jerky in the Oven

At the time of my grandparents Jerky still used as a staple of many families. As a child I remember my grandmother cut roast into thin slices thick and boil them in a brine of salt water. They would strip the thread on a piece of string and hang them over the pot so that the flesh hung in the boiling water until all the red color had disappeared. Then it would hang over the sink in the bathroom until it is dry, usually overnight. The next day, hung the meat infront of a fire in her small back room and by that evening, or sometimes it would be the next morning, she would finally take the dried and shriveled meat and put if in a glass jar and add the jar to the shelf on the back porch. We loved chewing on a piece of this 'salted beef' as she called it. I suddenly realize that using this salted beef or jerky in her stews may be the reason for the flavor I have never been able to exactly duplicate. By I digress.

Today we don't have to go to such lengths to make our own jerky from a variety of meats available to us. Turkey, chicken, venison and wild game, and of course beef jerky can be made in your own home using your ordinary oven. All you need is the meat of choice, I will use beef in this case, an oven with a low setting, a few seasonings and spices and of course some patience.

To make a traditional Beef Jerky you will need

Soy Sauce Worcestershire sauce Brown sugar crushed garlic hot pepper sauce red wine a jerk seasoning or steak sauce with an 'A-1' flavor. the meat and of course patience

You will want to start with several pounds of a very lean meat. Fat does not dehydrate well and a lot of fat in the meat will spoil the outcome. A nice, lean roast is a good choice. You could also use your favorite cut of steak The meat should have a visible grain, or direction of the muscle with little or no fat. You don't need the highest quality of meat. In fact, a tougher cut of meat will often give you a better product in the end. This is another reason jerky is quite popular. You can purchase large quantities of meat at discount or bulk pricing and create jerky from it that will last for a long time. No danger of freezer burn either.

Mix up a marinade using some or all of the following. Remember, this is a matter of taste. If you love it hot, add more pepper sauce. If you don't like garlic, leave it out. You should use approximately equal parts of Worcestershire and brown sugar, three parts soy sauce, and the rest to taste. The marinade should be very salty, spicy and slightly sweet. The rest of the ingredients, as I mentioned, depend on your taste and this list is minimal. There are really no limits to what you might add to your marinade. If you use the red wine it will dilute the spicy-salty effect without affecting the overall flavor. You should not use more than about 30 or 40 percent of wine to the other ingredients because you need the salt to help preserve the meat.

Once you have mixed up your marinade solution you are ready to prepare the meat. Don't get too focused on the recipe however, the jerky will be delicious using almost any recipe or just tossing some ingredients in a zipper bag with your meat.

To prepare the meat you will use a very sharp knife to slice the uncooked meat with the grain. This is usually down the length of the meat. You need strips about 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick. The thinner the slice the crisper the final product. For a chewy jerky go for thicker slides. Keep in mind that the thicker cut will take longer to dry.

Trim any additional fat and place the strips of meat into a zipper bag with your marinade, squeezing out as much air as possible. If you happen to have one of those machines that creates vacuum sealed packages, this is a good way to increase the overall tenderness and reduce the time needed for the marinade. It is not necessary however. A zipper bag works well. Let the meat soak in the marinade for a couple of hours at room temperature. It is a good idea to turn the bag over several times unless you have made enough marinade to completely cover all the meat strips.

Meanwhile, prepare your racks and oven. If you have a commercial food dehydrator such as the ones you see advertised on television, simply spray a light coating of vegetable spray onto the plastic or metal racks, lay our your strips in a single layer, close up the dehydrator and set at about 145 degrees or a medium setting. Allow to dry about 8 hours or until done (see below).

Don't worry if you don't have one of those fancy machines. Set your oven on the lowest setting possible. Remember you are drying the meat, not cooking it. Use a cooling rack such as you might use for cooling cakes or cookies to lay out your slices. I like to line the bottom of the oven with foil, just in case there are drips. Makes cleanup easier. If you don't have racks, you can use parchment paper, or a clean tea towel. Don't use paper towels or brown paper bags as these will stick and influence the overall flavor. As a last-ditch effort if you are standing there with your marinated meat, is a cookie sheet or other flat pan. You will need to turn the meat every hour or two however to help with even drying and don't forget to spray the pan with vegetable cooking spray.

Prop the door of the oven open about three inches to allow the moisture to escape. Allow about 8 to 10 hours, but it can take twice that long if the meat slices are thinner.

Test for Done

When you remove a slice of your freshly made jerky from the oven or dehydrator you can check for done by bending the slice slowly should cause a breaking or splintering of some of the outside fibers. You should not see obvious moisture, although there should be a slightly moist feel to the meat.

Your jerky should keep well at room temperature for about two weeks. I prefer to keep it in a jar with a loose-fitting lid. Keep an eye on it though. If you notice that there is a moisture film in the jar, especially after the first two days, you must take it out immediately and re-dry it for a couple of hours to finish the process. This moisture is an indication that you did not allow enough time initially. You might also add a slice of bread to the storage jar to help attract excess moisture.

When you consider the advantages of using and storing meat preserved in this way compared to the relatively low-cost of preserving it, you may decide, as our grandparents did, that dehydrating meats and making jerky is a good way to help the family budget survive the tough times.

Make Your Own Beef Jerky in the Oven

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Jerk Pork Recipe

!±8± Jerk Pork Recipe

The style "shooting" the kitchen is one of the things Jamaican cuisine is best known. Basically, shooting is a way of preparing meat that there is a fiery hot taste. It was originally used for goat or pork, and although it is still used for this type of meat, but jerk is now used as a method for the production of other meats such as poultry, fish, or tofu.

The first step in the preparation of a court is to kick the meat store, and when the meat is too large, cut into manageable sizeBlocks. For the production of pork stupid, I suggest the pork shoulder and cut up.

The next step is to snap the Jamaican spice marinade with the meat. Jerk seasoning is actually a mixture of different spices, but it gets the main flavor of pimento (also known as "Jamaican allspice"), and Scotch peppers. You can make the same shot, or there is always the possibility to buy a can of ready to use spices - you should be able to find in large supermarkets. In any case, you should have somelight cuts in the flesh, and rub the marinade into the meat. If possible, I would suggest to prepare the meat the night before and leave to marinate in your 'fridge overnight.

As for the cooking of meat, you should cook slowly over a charcoal grill. If you have access to wood or allspice berries can try to put some 'on the coals, as this is also the taste. If allspice is not available for the coals, you could try to add some apple or hickory instead. NaturallyThe main type of charcoal grill is a grill in western countries, and not everyone has one, can sometimes be uncomfortable to use, or the weather may be wet - in these cases you can simply cook your pork in a snap Stove normal - This is perhaps not as romantic as a charcoal grill, but it can still produce good results!

Jerk Pork Recipe

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Monday, October 3, 2011

With spices - Common spice in the kitchen

!±8± With spices - Common spice in the kitchen


In the days of slavery, many slaves fled the plantations and settled in the mountains. These slaves, escaped without cooking utensils and had to own and develop ways to prepare meals. One of the ways in which cooked meals, it was making barbecue with green sticks, usually made of (all spices) allspice tree, which gives the meat a distinct flavor. Combustion of coal would be placed under the sticks, would place the meat on top and stickroast.

No one knows why it's called "asshole", but it is usually hot and spicy pepper.

Jerk seasoning has become popular in the small village of Boston in the parish of Portland, Jamaica, WI focused in this country for many years, although many Jamaicans, the shock I felt seasoning, were largely exposed pot roast pork, the many Jamaicans who called pork idiot.

In early 1975, a budding entrepreneur on holiday in Kingston, Jamaica longed for some shotsPork, but could only find pot-roasted pork. He and some friends on the way to Boston in search of pork real shot. They were not disappointed and will be filled with this desire, the idea of ​​creating a financial shock was born in Kingston. The search for a position, and finally was able to "Jerk City Restaurant" was opened in the then new shopping center on Spring Street constant in Kingston, Jamaica, called King Plaza.

"Jerk City Restaurant" opened in May 1975 in King Plaza. One ofmen shot at the top of Boston (named Ruddy), was responsible for preparing the shock. The pig was pulled Retreat Drive, Constant Spring Road in Kingston off, and sold in the restaurant. The restaurant was unique because it is well-liked in Jamaican dishes, which were not sold in specialty restaurants. Among them: fried fish and bammy (fried cassava), ackee and cod, mackerel and bananas, bananas, and salted pork, and goat soup. These are dishes that you can in almost allRestaurants and hotels Jamaicans in Jamaica and in other parts of the world.

The entrepreneur was forced to sell the business in 1976, caused by hardening of the political violence and the state of emergency after opening a second location. The original restaurant was moved and changed its name to what is now the famous "Chelsea Jerk Centre" in Kingston, Jamaica.

Friends of the entrepreneur, who laughed when he said he would open a jerk pork and fried fishRestaurant hours applaud him for his foresight and vision. Today, shooting condiment dishes are the most popular Jamaican dishes, and jerk seasoning is a profitable industry, profits Jamaica and Jamaicans all over the world.

This was the beginning of the marketing of "Jerk seasoning"

With spices - Common spice in the kitchen

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

The slums of Los Angeles, Mexican food for the poor in pocket but rich in flavor

!±8± The slums of Los Angeles, Mexican food for the poor in pocket but rich in flavor

Part I: Mexican Food: Muy Barato

When I moved to Los Angeles in 1992, I had a roommate named Lynn. Lynn was a man who had drunk two beers, matriculate to several lines of cocaine, and then in the evening culminated with a ride dangerous of Hollywood to El GRAN Burrito on Virgil Avenue. We would order and eat one, tacos and burritos horchata. I was never invited him to sit on the bike behind him, and I stupidly forgot to ask. I asked a friend of Lynn Celsothe first Hispanic man I met in Los Angeles, where the best Mexican restaurant. He frowned and said I might as well have asked my roommate with the drunken female Irish name, but it seemed wiser about Mexican culture from a "What am I, a restaurant critic for El Gran Burrito, knucklehead,." Mexico informed person. In any case, I heard the motorcycle mounted Celso and my roommate. A $ 4, I have eaten "Lynn Special": a carnitas burrito, a carne asada taco, and a large Styrofoam cupof horchata. My five-year experiment with vegetarianism has been clarified. Started my search for good Mexican food in Los Angeles. El Gran Burrito No. 1 was discovered

or burrito.

The other ideal is the pastor burrito, filled with marinated pork, and supplemented with rice, beans, cilantro and onions. El Taurino on Hoover Street to the pastor who serves a burrito "Prime" is the greek gyros and shawarma Armenian. Like the gyros and kebabs, marinated in El TaurinoShepherd is a crunchy piece of cut meat with a rotisserie and then rolled in a tortilla with a large above-mentioned ingredients. Like all great burrito, the beans are whole, not fried. The lean cuts of meat melt and crunch as you chew. The pastor at El Taquito Mexicano, before the 210 Freeway in Pasadena, relies less on plot, as a marinade. The meat is a thick sauce, the wonderful Indonesian dish is similar to rendang saturated. The flavor is smoky and juicy,integrated with the taste and texture of grilled onions.

Yuca, a small hut in a parking lot liquor store is located in Los Feliz, is an example of regional Cochinita pibil burrito region of Yucatan, Mexico. By definition Cochinita pibil is a young suckling pig pit. Even if age verification is a well roasted pork later, unfortunately, beyond my experience, I have solved many times considered the question of age as the tender flesh slowly in the mouth. If the young is good, it's like Yuca CochinitaPibil is a pet child. Speaking of young flesh, I brought my two children after a morning Yuca was forced to sprint a scale of Silver Lake, and the honor of seeing her tears poured down a burrito. Supporters so far changed Asada, tomato juice affected pork dripping from his lips, held their ways. Now, if we leave the house for a journey, no matter where we go, the children say, "Great, let's go to Yuca pibil is a burrito!" But we're going to Oxnard, I rememberthem. "It is not in the Los Feliz neighborhood?" Close enough.

o Huarache.

In the world of clothing, a Huarache is a sandal. In the culinary world, there is a flat, sharp, hard, disk, sandal-shaped masa. El Huarache Azteca in Highland Park, is a Huarache with meat, cilantro and bits of crumbled white cheese (Cotija, I believe) to do. I usually go to pastor or chicharrones required of me, but all kinds of meat. Pork rinds, fried pork skin with fat and unhealthy amounts ofMeat attached (a little 'clumsy as a reproduction of bacon), are typically sold in Panaderías la carte. Huarache on the chicharrones spicy stew in red sauce, so that their texture is more reminiscent of the tendon. Curtains reminds many people of Jell-o, but Chewbacca. It is an acquired taste, you could opt for pork, beef or chicken. The white cheese that melts the flesh is rich and a little 'dry, like a Parmesan or feta. The contrast of crunchy and chewy, juicy and dry, creating aDelightfully unique sensation in Mexican cuisine.

o The Tamale.

There are almost as many tamale vendors in this city, as there are burrito trucks. Some people swear by Liliana in East Los Angeles, while in El Sereno loyalists, the love of man Tamale. It 's all good stuff, but I tend to spend my money in Tamale East LA LA Mascota Bakery. Tamales are three main (Chile rojo, Green Chile and queso), and what I (dulce) is not easy to obtain, so you will not be easy. Rojo is thefull of pork in a red sauce, and chicken in green sauce is green. The content is key to the superiority of one over the other tamale. Mascota Rojo on The race is composed of several pieces of roast pork that you are dreaming of finding a carnitas burrito. The cheese in the queso tamale is soft, rich and full of green chili. I would not be able to prove it in a pot cooking, but I am damn sure that the panela cheese. The Masha, the content is wrapped tight and flaky, youfeels lighter, but keeps its cargo (mmm!) without crumbling apart.

or Gordita.

What you can not batter with masa, the Mexican Miracle? Ana Maria, a stand at the Grand Central Market, forming the masa in grilled buns, split them and stuff like that with so much stuff, it's like eating a taxi with an endless supply of clowns ... but still tasty! This is a gordita. It 's basically meat, beans, cilantro, salsa, and a cream that tastes like tzatziki, whichGreeks turn off their gyro. The carnitas here is the best meat, the fat, stringy, and they are abundant, such as pulled pork sandwich. Among the beans and meat fried masa, a gordita $ 2.50 soothe and punish an empty stomach for hours. How so thick gordita like me, often for two.

The fish or hot.

There are many restaurants in Los Angeles constantly solid mariscos served variations of fried fish or grilled, and I have yet to decide on an as transcendent.SENOR FISH has a very nice scallop burritos and quesadillas seafood are very excessive. Senor is not as good as their reputation and not cheap as it once was, but it's still a damn good meal. Via Mar, Highland Park, are an inexpensive, ordinary mariscos that an item is extraordinary. Langostino burrito filled with their buttery, sautéed shrimp, green pepper and rice. The meat langostino is the closest thing to the taste of lobster. The juicyBlown to pieces indulgent buttery burst of satisfaction. For the value and texture, the chain of Siete Mares mariscos well be the best restaurants in Los Angeles. Most offices consist of a taco stand and sit in a restaurant. Go to the taco stand for fish and shrimp tacos, burritos and tostadas ceviche. The restaurant is a good place to have a large bowl Siete Mares soup or a plate of fried or grilled fish with rice and beans sweat.

The fish or cold.

RayThe legendary pizza in New York City, which was voted "Best Pizza" a few decades ago. Shortly after, Ray pizza anywhere in Manhattan and had appeared to doubt the newcomer in the original home of the Ray (Ray Original Pizzeria, a name frequently repeated). I think the original is on 11th Street and Avenue 6, but I can not prove. It 'a little' as the "Tommy" and setting "Tomy" in Los Angeles and the Mexican trucks of fish that the line FigueroaAvenue near the Sycamore Grove Park in Highland Park, only one of them is legendary, but fortunately, every truck has a different name. Do you want a strong MAR AZUL.

The Mar Azul serves seafood cocktails (coctel de mariscos) and several variations of ceviche on tostadas. The coctel are fresh, cheap, and generous of the section. Tostadas ceviche (raw citrus marinated seafood) are sublime. You can use it for abalone, octopus (Octopus), camarones (shrimp), Jaiba (imitation crab), ormixta (combination of all the above). The meat is on a bed of rich, creamy sauce loaded with cilantro (sour cream? Mayo), the seafood cold is often combined with the indescribably delicious. The crunchy, salty, founding the tostada efficiently supports the substance. A tostada is to bring the belly to a standing ovation, and two will close the show in a register of no more than $ 5.00. Your stomach will delight in their memories for the next few days, but without the painful memories of a loving relationship as a voraciousexperience in the gordita. This is a healthy relationship.

or taco.

What do you do with a taco? Get a, burrito silly. And 'largest, and is obtained beans. If not quite the dick to fill the tank, or you are an anti-beanist, then buy a taco for further assistance. Each of the joints above and efficient a tasty burrito taco.

Remembrance of things past

Shortly after I discovered El Gran Burrito, he moved to the west of Santa Monica Boulevard andVermont. I followed. They advanced to the dining room and other rooms, but the place looks the same. Its progressive growth from small to large landfill landfill brings changes in the spirit of Steve Martin's parents 'house' in "The Jerk". Success changes the size of El Gran, but does not change the substance. There is still a dump cheap to ask, with good food, patrons on the street. Only a year or two ago that they finally raised prices for their burritosGreat (from $ 2.50 to 3.00 or 3.50), are still in quality and quantity. Similar to my children crying pibil Yuca, I still cry for my carnitas burrito El Gran. Let it be known that I, like the body and the spirit they call my care full funeral. Wah!


or Ana Maria / Grand Central Market, 317 S. Broadway

El Gran Burrito or / 4716 Santa Monica, CA / 323-665-8720

El Huarache Azteca or / 5225 New York / 323-478-9572

El Taquito Mexicano or / 467 N Fair Oaks /626-577-3918

or El Taurino / Hoover S 1104 / 323-738-9197

o The Mar Azul / Sycamore Grove Park, Figueroa Street between Avenue. 45 & 49

o Mascota Bakery / 2715 Whittier / 323-263-5513

Fish or Mr. / Alhambra, And Rock, The Tokyo, S Pasadena

or Siete Mares / Silver Lake, Lincoln Heights, Whittier, etc. ..

or Via Mar / 5111 Figueroa Boulevard / 323-255-4929

Yuca or S / N 2056 Hillhurst / 323-662-1214

The slums of Los Angeles, Mexican food for the poor in pocket but rich in flavor

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Easily the best curry and recipe suggestions

!±8± Easily the best curry and recipe suggestions

Want to know how easy curry is healthy with taste and goodness that is packed with cheap and authentic to do? Are you tired of paying good money for curry and sweet without the taste of your local restaurants? Let me show you how to make one of the best curry!

The best curry, a good meal. The curry is ideal for lunch or dinner. I ate a lot of curry in my life. Unfortunately, I have a lot of curry, people who know you would have to do to eatbetter! A good curry should not be expensive. A good curry recipes using herbs and spices. Best of all is that you eat a homemade curries, is easy to make and full of healthy herbs and spices.

You will be very disappointed if you are looking to buy at the local curry shop. The reason is that many ingredients are cooked at low cost. You can cook better curry at home for less money. I was so angry in recent years byEat in expensive restaurants and Indian restaurants can curry restaurant. Mind you, there are some very good places to eat curry, but they are hard to find. Always consult a local person in India, where they eat, because that is the place you should go eat.

Here's what you need for a good curry:

1 curry leaves (10 leaves)

2 300 grams of your favorite meat (with a teaspoon of curry powder, a teaspoon of salt, sugar and pepper for 2 hours to marinate before cooking)

3Two inches of ginger

4 300 grams of curry powder

5 1 teaspoon pepper

6 1 cup coconut milk

7 50 grams of dried chili

8 Olive oil

9 2 onions

10 2 cloves of garlic

11 Indian Nan bread or dinner rolls

Heat a pan with olive oil. Once there, then add the garlic, onion, curry leaves and ginger and stir until golden brown heated. Add meat and stir for 2 minutes. Pour into a 20 liter pot, all ingredients and cook over low heat for 2 hours. Mixthe pan every 5 minutes to mix the ingredients and prevent the bottom of the pan from burning.

Add the coconut milk and bring in the end, bring to a boil. To thicken the curry paste, corn flour supply in a small bowl and a half cup of water. Stir and then pour into the pan and stir to thicken the curry. Garnish with whipped cream and some fresh coriander.

Bon appetit!

Easily the best curry and recipe suggestions

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to cook a whole chicken in oven grill

!±8± How to cook a whole chicken in oven grill

So how do you cook a whole chicken in oven grill? And 'different from traditional cooking in a convection oven? Clear. And there are some tips to share with you to ensure that the BBQ chicken at the right place!

Whole chickens are a lot of cooking in a commercial environment for restaurants, company picnics and other large events, where they are cooked in ovens much larger, 20-40 chickens takes once.

For this article I will focus onCooking whole chicken in a smaller scale, the oven to grill a chicken at a time.
Do not boil over or under cook chicken. Normally it takes to cook about 2-1/2 to 3 hours to check and be turned off to ensure that there is too much, cook, burn the chicken, but do not want that cooked. Keep the grill at low temperatures, around 230 to 250 degrees. The biggest secret of grilled chicken, with a moist, tender meats and smoky skin, yourGrill at low temperature and simmer. Do not think that the chicken does not cook or if done quickly enough. Take your time and you're happy with him taken at the end only to have the time. Be patient and the end result is very tasty. Spice rub before putting the chicken on the grill. Rub Rub the chicken with spices is a great idea in the beginning there are a lot of flavor at the end. Add sauce to finish. Do not add sauce until just before the end of the grid. If 'The chicken is almost done, start the sauce. The sauce takes only five minutes to cook the chicken. Remove the chicken with tongs, if you begin to see signs of charring.

To bring it all together and make things right, how to cook whole chickens, you need patience and attention to what you do, come eat the chicken and enjoy having time to grilled chicken. Add all the vegetables, chickenand make it a very healthy meal.

How to cook a whole chicken in oven grill

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chef Jessica: Jerk Chicken with fried zucchini

Jerk Chicken for the problem: I like this recipe, I recommend doubling or tripling it. It can heat, using a variety of peppers to adapt. It 'also keep in the refrigerator for several weeks. 2 poblano chiles, stemmed 2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary 2 tablespoons dry up, chopped 3 tablespoons dried thyme 3 green onions (white and green part), chopped 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 small lemon, mustard seed ¼ cup yellow 2 tablespoons white vinegar Put everything in a food processor(or blender) and process until a smooth paste forms. This will make an excellent rub for poultry or you can add more vinegar to dilute and have more of a sauce consistency. For Rotisserie chicken: 2 whole fryers (3-4 lbs) basco sauce 2 TBSP Kosher Salt 3 TBSP granulated sugar Rinse chickens and trim of excess fat. Place in large pot and pour in remaining ingredients then add enough water to cover. Put lid on pot and place in refrigerator overnight to allow to brine. When ready to cook remove chicken from pot and discard liquid. Pat chicken dry with paper towels then apply the jerk seasoning all over the chicken. Place on the spit for your rotisserie as demonstrated then allow to cook until chicken reaches an internal temperature of 180° at the thickest point of the thigh (not touching the bone)- this will normally take 1 ¼- 1 ½ hours. Fried Zucchini with Jalapeno Ranch dip As summer kitchens have improved, many of them now offer the option of cooking on burners outside too. I recommend ...

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Jerk Chicken Recipes

!±8± Jerk Chicken Recipes

Jerk is a style of cooking that comes from the island of Jamaica. In this type of cooking a mixture of hot spices, such as "Jamaican jerk spice" is known to dry rub meat before cooking. Traditionally, goat or pork is used, but other types of meat (or fish), can be replaced, and many non-famous golf asshole Jamaican Jerk Chicken fact.

Jerk seasoning is usually a blend of Jamaican spices and Scotch Bonnet peppers, but small amounts of other spices addedmix well, and these usually include cinnamon, cloves, garlic, nutmeg, onion and thyme. Some people prefer to make their own mix jerk seasoning, but now of course the opportunity to buy ready mixed spices, and while many people find very tasty.

The "shock" word (as the word "jerky") derives from the word "dried meat", which means in Quechua Indian, "dried meat". This is because, historically shooting meat was prepared byCut the meat into strips and drying them in the sun on a small fire - the smoke from the fire to prevent flies and other insects lay their eggs in the flesh, and also helps to preserve.

Today, flat shot is not usually caused by smoking, instead of prepared over a barbecue, or even in a normal kitchen oven. Many people believe that food tastes best when cooked snap on a charcoal grill or wood - and some might also suggest adding some pimento wood or berries onTo add coals during cooking to taste. In any case, if you have never tried to masturbate in front, I suggest you give it a go - you do not know if you like until you've tried.

Jerk Chicken Recipes

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